Monday, December 16, 2013

Antiperspirants and Your Health

Most commercial antiperspirants contain aluminum in the form of aluminum chlorohydrate.  There have been numerous studies on the effect of this chemical on human health.  Wikipedia summarizes this succinctly. An excerpt from this page:

Aluminum toxicity

Aluminum is present most often in antiperspirants in form of aluminum chlorohydrate.[25] In addition, aluminum chlorohydrate[26] is not the same as the compound aluminum chloride, which has been established as a neurotoxin.[27][28][29][30] At high doses, aluminum itself adversely affects the blood–brain barrier, is capable of causing DNA damage, and has adverse epigenetic effects.[27][31] High doses of aluminum have detrimental effects to a number of species such as non-human primates,[32] mice,[33] rabbits,[27] and dogs.[34]
A preliminary study (2001) showed that the use of aluminum chlorohydrate, the active ingredient in many antiperspirants, does not lead to a significant (vs. ingestion via diet) increase in aluminum levels in the body with one-time use.[35] The Food and Drug Administration "acknowledges that small amounts of aluminium can be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and through the skin."[36]

Breast cancer

A 2002 study stated "the rumor that antiperspirant use causes breast cancer continues to circulate the Internet. Although unfounded, there have been no published epidemiologic studies to support or refute this claim."[37] The American Cancer Society (ACS) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) were very much concerned about the e-mails rumors directly linking antiperspirants to cancer that both put out information on the Internet stating there was no evidence linking the cosmetic products with cancer.[38] According to the ACS "studies have not shown any direct link between parabens and any health problems, including breast cancer. What has been found is that there are many other compounds in the environment that also mimic naturally produced estrogen."[39] According to researchers at the NCI, they "are not aware of any conclusive evidence linking the use of underarm antiperspirants or deodorants and the subsequent development of breast cancer."[40] "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence of a harmful effect" and "these chemicals are being directly applied daily, by very large numbers of people, and the long-term health effects of exposure are essentially unknown," toxicologist Philip W. Harvey tells WebMD in an interview.[41] But ACS epidemiologist Michael Thun argued that "even if the parabens do promote estrogen-dependent tumor growth, the risk from cosmetic use is "minuscule" compared with other known tumor promoters."[41] The cosmetics industry insists the paraben chemicals used as preservatives in underarm deodorants and other cosmetics, which are regulatory approved, are safe.[42]

A 2003 study found a correlation between earlier diagnosis of breast cancer and antiperspirant/deodorant use.[43] A 2003 study indicated "underarm shaving with antiperspirant/deodorant use may play a role in breast cancer."[43] A 2004 study reviewing the evidence for and against the possible link between breast cancer and underarm cosmetics wrote "Although animal and laboratory studies suggest a possible link between certain chemicals used in underarm cosmetics and breast cancer development, there is no reliable evidence that underarm cosmetics use increases breast cancer risk in humans."[44]

2004 and 2005 studies led by researcher Philippa Darbre, hypothesizes that particular substances in deodorants, such as preservatives called parabens, or bolts such as aluminum chloride used in antiperspirants, get into the bloodstream or accumulate in breast tissue, where they enhance or emulate the effects of estrogen, which stimulates the growth of cancerous breast cells.[45][46] A 2007 study found that personal care products are a potential contributor to the body burden of aluminum and newer evidence has linked breast cancer with aluminum-based antiperspirants.[7] A 2008 study stated that no scientific evidence supports the hypothesis that deodorants and/or antiperspirants increase the incidence of breast cancer.[8] A study published in 2009 by the journal The Breast Cancer Research proposed a link between breast cancer and the application of cosmetic chemicals including phthalates and aluminum salts in the underarm region, because of their oestrogenic and/or genotoxic properties, which provides an evidence-based hypothesis capable of further research.[47]

Renal dysfunction

The FDA warns "that people with renal dysfunction may not be aware that the daily use of antiperspirant drug products containing aluminium may put them at a higher risk because of exposure to aluminium in the product."[36] The agency warns people with renal dysfunction to consult a doctor before using antiperspirants containing aluminum.[36]

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

GMO - Just say NO!

The world is buzzing with talk of our food supply and threats posed by chemicals and genetic manipulation and by giant corporations who control our government and would love to control our food supply as well.  To those corporations, we flip up our middle finger and say "Up Yours!".

Here is an article about how to avoid the products of those monster corporations so that you and your family can be free of the diseases they bring to your cupboard and plate:

The best way to avoid GMO is to GROW it yourself from heritage seeds bought from local or reputable small companies.  The second best way is to know what foods are typically GMO (corn, soy, canola, cotton-seed, dairy, zuchinni and yellow squash, papaya) and buy those organically grown or from a local grower you know and trust.

Actually, organic certification ensures the product is GMO free and the Non-GMO Project does due diligence so you don't have to.

Finally, for smart phone owners, there are apps out there that can help ascertain the GMO status:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Evening snack

I call this recipe "my little green apple"

2 green apples small to medium 
1 large salad bowl full of greens
(These I picked fresh from the garden)


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thank you Mother Earth

Lunch is served. I am grateful for the sun,  the rain and the fertile soil. And to Kelly for making my juice this morning. Salud. 

Garden Bounty!

My garden is bursting with fresh greens!  They are so delicious and fresh.  I love picking them in the morning with fresh dew on them and juicing them up!  I can't wait for the rest of the garden to produce goodies!  Until then - greens rule!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

After spring break I am back to juicing

I took a break from juice fasting after 60 days while on spring break and now I have resumed only fresh fruits an veggies and juicing. Today's breakfast is apple carrot and lunch is a new recipe I call Super Beta.

5 carrots
1 small beet
3 small tomatoes
1 red apple


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Juice - what to put it in?

Well, followers of my blog (all 2 of you) I have been studying quite intently on storage.  Why?  Well, I am a nut (you know that) about toxins.  I feel (personal opinion) that toxins from non-natural "things" contribute a lot to our declining health in this nation.  There is evidence that endocrine disruptors in plastics (and other chemicals in common items) affect our health in many ways (not good).  So, out with plastic and its ilk.

Lately, I have found (to my dismay) that even stainless steel -gasp can leach heavy metals into food and beverage (although, if it is good quality the amounts should be negligible).  But, worse, ALL stainless steel containers are made in CHINA.  Ugh.  I mean, I don't hate Chinese people, but I really don't like the way our big businesses send our jobs to China to exploit cheap labor and avoid stiff environmental regulation.  It just means the Chinese people get our jobs and our pollution and we are not guaranteed good quality or good products, just cheap ones.  Kleen Kanteen, out.

Soooo....what then picky woman?? 

GLASS!!!!!!  But you cry, it breaks!!!  It's dangerous.  Pshaw.

Check out these wonderful items.  I make no money from these.

Hercuglass - super-hard glass. Cool.

Lifefactory - super cute, nice silicone covers

Libbey - makers of truly USA made glassware.

So, my goal is to 1-get rid of plastics (no endocrine disruption in my house please) and 2 - get more glass!

Friday, March 22, 2013

New blog!

I have a new blog - it is about sustainable living and my new interest - aquaponics.  Aquaponics is about growing organic food in your backyard - enough to feed the whole family - in a small suburban neighborhood.  This is a revolution folks!  Take back the power!!!

Check it out!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

My golden morning

1 whole pineapple very ripe and six small oranges makes the sweetest most delicious morning juice. Enough for 2 adults and two small kids. Yummy

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Making tomato soup

With the new Omega Vert the pulp you retain is adjustable. We are making fresh tomato soup!

Making rainbows

For lunch I wanted a spectrum so I lined up the veggies and made this:

2 small yellow squash
2 carrots medium
2 ripe tomatoes
1 green apple
1 handful of spinach

It was super yummy

Loving the new Omega Vert 350!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Morning sunrise juice

I had a wonderful juice this morning

Red sunrise
1 beet
4 carrots
1 green apple
2 small yellow squash

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The True Story of Kid President

If we nourish our bodies and neglect our spirit, we have nourished in vain because the two are intertwined.  Here is some soul nourishment for you.  Check out Kid President on YouTube Channel Soul Pancake.  He is a real deal.

Beware beet juice

Ok so I was sick with a stomach bug for a few days and my first juice after recovery was "Better Red than Dead" which has a lot of beet juice. Note: when you have had a viral infection beet juice can detox you very intensely. I turned yellow and my pee turned red! Kind of scary. I guess my liver was a little overtoxified and my skin had a yellowish tinge. But the red pee was "beet red"!!! Wow.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The family is still recovering from a nasty round of stomach virus, me included. Could not drink juice for two days so this morning I was craving something hearty and I settled on "better red than dead"

One beet
2 carrots
1 green apple

It felt like gold!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Natural Products

Juicing has enhanced and refocused my interest in all types of natural and healthy living ideas.  I have been a LONG time voyeur of herbal remedies and have actually used them from time to time.  I love herbal teas and aroma therapies.  I found this website today and I am planning to try one of these recipes soon.  Natural Hair Recipes

I also found some interesting information about making and using laundry soap that, while not totally natural, is wonderfully cheap - and that is always good! Soaps Gone buy sells many of the products in the recipe, but I think you can buy much of it in the drug store or grocery.  I think that adding some natural fragrance to these basic recipes could be very interesting.

I have also wanted for a long time to make my own soap.  Some of my favorite soap is handmade in small batches.  It is finding the TIME to do such things!  :-)  Kids keep you busy.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Interesting recipe - for lunch

I just felt like using some stuff left over from my breakfast juice, so for lunch I tried:

1 apple
1 pear
2 handfuls of pineapple
2 stalks of celery
1 carrot
1 cucumber

It was amazingly delicious.  Sweet, with a hint of vegetable.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Juicing is now my mode of life. It is what sustains me, aside from the love of family. Living raw is living. All else is existence. I am not speaking for all people, just for myself. I feel so alive and vital. I feel half my chronological age. This is truly a new leaf. Spring has sprung in my life. My eyes are clearer, my body is revitalized. Truly amazing. I went shopping today with my family and I was so proud of our buggy full to overflowing with all raw veggies and fruits.

I shop wholesale so I can afford to juice. There is a great little place called the Tomato Vine and I buy boxes of apples and other fruits and veggies for much less. I also joined Costco and that saves money too. Costco also had organic carrots cheap. Heaven.

Happiness is...

A well stocked fridge.  We have a second one outside which we use for non-juicing foods.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I tried a new recipe this morning - one that I just thought up.  I call it "Better Red than Dead".  It was a beautiful ruby red color (I forgot to take a pic).  Here are the ingredients:

1 medium beet
4 carrots
2 stalks of celery

It was incredibly delicious! 

I also tried a new method of making juice in the Vitamix blender - not a success!  :-(  I tried to add oranges, mangos and strawberries to the blender and blending until smooth.  Then, I thought I would strain the juice out.  I used my mesh strainer that I have been using for the greens.  Failure!  I think I might have done ok with a nutmilk bag but I don't have those.  It was a smoothie.

I really like my Breville Juicer for roots, apples, other firm fruits and veggies.  And the Vitamix is doing well with the greens.  I think I need a third option for softer fruits.  I hate wet pulp!  It seems like such a waste!  Well, my garden thinks it is pretty awesome but I don't like throwing away all that juice!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The setup

My arsenal for good health. I call this survivalism.  These tools are making my life healthier every day.  I have a juicer, a Vitamix blender, a Magic Bullet, and some odd and end hand tools.  I really don't use the stove or oven any more except to cook for the kids.  

Well, after more than a week of juicing I  have learned a few things.
1)  You can mix almost anything together...there are no real rules.  But apples make everything taste good.
2)  The juicer we bought (Breville Juice Fountain) is great for most things but not leafy greens.  I have a way to increase the amount of nutrient-rich green juice you get from Kale and other leafys.  I put them in the Vitamix with some water (not a lot of water-about half way up the pitcher full of greens) and blend until smooth.  Then I filter them through a mesh strainer and voila!  Much more product than from the juicer and fantastic taste. 
3)  I can go a LONG time on juice without feeling hungry.  Much longer than on food.  Amazing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 5 of the Reboot - the switch to pure juicing is tomorrow.  I am ready.  I had a kickin salad last night and some fresh-made tomato soup for lunch.  I feel a little hungry but not too bad.  Even with a short sleep last night, I feel alert and energetic.  I love juicing and making fresh food in my Vitamix. 

You can learn more at the website Reboot with Joe - I am not affiliated with him at all. 

Juice on!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My adventure in "Rebooting"

For the past 4 days, I have been doing a "reboot" - I watched the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" with Joe Cross and I was inspired to spend the next 15 days juicing and eating only "micronutrient rich" foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts/seeds.  Day 4 is almost over and I am feeling so energetic and healthy.  It is really worth a try.  Juicing and preparing fresh food is soul enriching and body enhancing. 

Check out these websites:
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (Movie web page)

Juicing the Rainbow