Thursday, March 28, 2013

Juice - what to put it in?

Well, followers of my blog (all 2 of you) I have been studying quite intently on storage.  Why?  Well, I am a nut (you know that) about toxins.  I feel (personal opinion) that toxins from non-natural "things" contribute a lot to our declining health in this nation.  There is evidence that endocrine disruptors in plastics (and other chemicals in common items) affect our health in many ways (not good).  So, out with plastic and its ilk.

Lately, I have found (to my dismay) that even stainless steel -gasp can leach heavy metals into food and beverage (although, if it is good quality the amounts should be negligible).  But, worse, ALL stainless steel containers are made in CHINA.  Ugh.  I mean, I don't hate Chinese people, but I really don't like the way our big businesses send our jobs to China to exploit cheap labor and avoid stiff environmental regulation.  It just means the Chinese people get our jobs and our pollution and we are not guaranteed good quality or good products, just cheap ones.  Kleen Kanteen, out.

Soooo....what then picky woman?? 

GLASS!!!!!!  But you cry, it breaks!!!  It's dangerous.  Pshaw.

Check out these wonderful items.  I make no money from these.

Hercuglass - super-hard glass. Cool.

Lifefactory - super cute, nice silicone covers

Libbey - makers of truly USA made glassware.

So, my goal is to 1-get rid of plastics (no endocrine disruption in my house please) and 2 - get more glass!

Friday, March 22, 2013

New blog!

I have a new blog - it is about sustainable living and my new interest - aquaponics.  Aquaponics is about growing organic food in your backyard - enough to feed the whole family - in a small suburban neighborhood.  This is a revolution folks!  Take back the power!!!

Check it out!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

My golden morning

1 whole pineapple very ripe and six small oranges makes the sweetest most delicious morning juice. Enough for 2 adults and two small kids. Yummy

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Making tomato soup

With the new Omega Vert the pulp you retain is adjustable. We are making fresh tomato soup!

Making rainbows

For lunch I wanted a spectrum so I lined up the veggies and made this:

2 small yellow squash
2 carrots medium
2 ripe tomatoes
1 green apple
1 handful of spinach

It was super yummy

Loving the new Omega Vert 350!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Morning sunrise juice

I had a wonderful juice this morning

Red sunrise
1 beet
4 carrots
1 green apple
2 small yellow squash

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The True Story of Kid President

If we nourish our bodies and neglect our spirit, we have nourished in vain because the two are intertwined.  Here is some soul nourishment for you.  Check out Kid President on YouTube Channel Soul Pancake.  He is a real deal.

Beware beet juice

Ok so I was sick with a stomach bug for a few days and my first juice after recovery was "Better Red than Dead" which has a lot of beet juice. Note: when you have had a viral infection beet juice can detox you very intensely. I turned yellow and my pee turned red! Kind of scary. I guess my liver was a little overtoxified and my skin had a yellowish tinge. But the red pee was "beet red"!!! Wow.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The family is still recovering from a nasty round of stomach virus, me included. Could not drink juice for two days so this morning I was craving something hearty and I settled on "better red than dead"

One beet
2 carrots
1 green apple

It felt like gold!